more details…

The Neighborhood will be a safe, encouraging, and loving place of community and belonging in the form of a convenient student center in the Ikebukuro area run by a team of missionaries and Japanese Christians. The focus of the Neighborhood will be to provide a place where students can relax, establish healthy and encouraging relationships, and come knowing that they will be poured into with a love that can only be of God. 

We are planning to rent a whole building. Our family, along with other members of our team, will live in the upper floors of the building with the first floor being the student and ministry center.  Eventually, community members and students will be able to access the center 7 days a week.

Future Student Center Ministries & Events

  • Classes and Workshops
    • English
    • Cooking
    • Dance
    • Art
    • Music
    • Etc...
  • Outreach Events
    • Easter Parties
    • Christmas Parties
    • English Conversation Parties
    • VBS
    • Etc...

Training Ground

The center will not only be used for the local community but to serve as a training ground for Japanese Christians, especially youth, and others interested in ministry and leadership by providing outreach, evangelism, teaching, and leadership opportunities. The Neighborhood will be a place where these individuals can learn, fail, and grow in a safe and encouraging environment. 

Short-Term Missionaries

Additionally, what makes our center unique is that we will be able to use and house short term missionaries. By having an already established center in which workshops, classes, and events are regularly held, visiting workers will be able to jump in even without having a grasp of the language-- which can be a huge limiting factor in short-term missions. Through The Neighborhood,  we will be able to cater to the God-given gifts and skills of the long term as well as short-term missionaries. 


Set-up & Renovation: $100,000

5 Years Rent & Utilities: $300,000

Monthly Operating Expenses: $3000/mo

Our plan is to raise the costs for set up and renovations on the student center plus have 5 years rent before we begin. If we do this we won’t have to worry about collecting a certain amount of money every month. Beside our pledges, donations, and English tutoring classes, certain areas of the building will also be used for producing income, such as an Airbnb, rental space for seminars, church rental space, and an event center.

Closing Words

Community members as well as students are already excited and looking forward to the opening of The Neighborhood! Now we are asking for YOUR help in the work that God has started in making this center the best it can be.

-The Pagaragans