Join the Neighborhood

We need your support to help make The Neighborhood a reality.

To help support The Neighborhood financially, or support our family specifically, please click the links below.  

For those who would like to join our group of Prayer Warriors and learn about more personal prayer requests and happenings, click here. (This is separate from our newsletter)

The cost of living in Japan for the average single person is a little over $1100/mo* NOT including rent.  We have a few more than that, not including the several students that often come over for lunch...dinner...and sleepovers.


Our monthly expenses as required by our mission agency (TEAM) total to about $10,000.  

By contributing to this fund, you will be helping to enable the Pagaragan family in their various ministries by providing for their everyday needs through a monthly commitment or one-time gift.

Over 8 years ago, a vision was planted in our hearts to reach high school students. And over the last four years, God has expanded that vision to include students, parents, the community, long term and short term missionaries, and other churches and Christian organizations. 

When we return to Japan in Spring of 2019, we plan to begin construction on the Ikebukuro Student and Ministry Center, which will be called The Neighborhood.

Learn more about The Neighborhood...

Join the Neighborhood


We need your support to help make The Neighborhood a reality. To help support The Neighborhood financially, or support our family specifically, please click the links below.

For those who would like to join our group of Prayer Warriors and learn about more personal prayer requests and happenings, click here. (This is separate from our newsletter)

To subscribe to our regular newsletter click the link below.